Amazonian biodiversity may receive support from Constitutional Fund

07/08/2009 13h40

The Chamber analyzes the proposal of deputy Janete Capiberibe (PSB-AP), which proposes the destination of 50% of the resources applied by the Constitutional Financing Fund of North (FNO) to activities of reuse and conservation of the biodiversity of Amazon. The bill (PL 5202/09), amends Law 7,827/89, which implements FNO and other regional funds.

By the proposal, other resources will finance production activities that use animal and vegetal species of the region, or are aiming towards the recuperation of degraded areas, as well as environmental and tour services and the recycling industry.

The producers of these goods and services are required to ensure that the species used in the production process will have their reproduction ensured.

Besides that, the bill defines that the other 50% from the resources will be preferably applied on technological and managerial modernization of the activities already financed by the Fund, since its creation.

Predatory exploitation
For deputy Janete Capiberibe, the Fund has not been meeting its objective of contributing to the economic and social development of the region. On the contrary, she says, “what we see is the use of resources provided in Constitution to destroy the environment, using economic exploration as an excuse".

According to the deputy, most part of the investments made within the Northern Region with resources from FNO has been causing serious environmental problems, with the deforesting, harms to biodiversity and economic depletion of the lands.

Regarding the argument that is still creating jobs, she contends that “it may even be true; however, the devastation caused will reduce it in medium-term”.

Regarding the ongoing bills, the bill proposes the maintenance of the financial support; however, it suggests that they be met, especially those seeking to modernize in order to improve productivity.

The expectation is that the proposed measures will minimize the prejudices that bills supported by Public funds have been causing to the Amazonian biodiversity, reducing the predatory practices and its hazardous effects.

When stimulating the sustainable use of natural Amazonian resources, the bill intends to ensure, in a practical way, the preservation of the environment, integrating it to economic development.

The bill is being processed in conclusive character and will be analyzed by the committees on the Environment and Sustainable Development; Amazon, National Integration and Regional Development; Finances and Taxation; and Constitution and Justice and Citizenship.

Reporting – Rejane Xavier
Edition – Newton Araújo
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Edgar Casadei