Agreement with France for nuclear submarine has controversial items

21/08/2009 15h20

The agreement between Brazil and France for the purchase of four conventional submarines Scorpène and one modified model, capable of receiving a nuclear propulsion engine, was criticized on Chamber, in public hearing on Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense, in this Tuesday (18).

The main critic of the proposal was deputy Júlio Delgado (PSB-MG), who answered all the items of the official letter of the Commander of Brazilian Navy, Squadron Admiral Julio Soares de Moura Neto.

The French proposal in Brazil, include the project and the building of a shipyard that would manufacturer nuclear a conventional submarines, as well a new naval base, capable to shelter nuclear submarines. “The building of a basis and a shipyard which will be delivered pleasantly to a previously grantee building contractor is something that we cannot accept, mainly because we know that the great shipyard were recently built costing roughly €300 million”, said the deputy. The mentioned building contractor is the company Odebrecht, France free choice Brazilian partner.

Concerning the submarines, Delgado argued that the French conventional model to be acquired by Brazil, the Scorpène, the cost is much higher (€750 million, against US$600 thousand), than the competitors, and it would be technologically delayed, besides not being used for any other Navy in the world.

“From the nuclear submarine, French only would provide the hull”. Is does not make sense to the deputies in "buying an existing hull, conceived years ago, and in some decades, or when it is finally ready, to receive a nuclear Brazilian reactor".

The supposed impossibility or disinterest of other countries in participating of the Brazilian submarine cannot be supported, according to Delgado. “Russia has transferred its technology to India and China during many years, including lending nuclear submarines to Indian Navy for a long time or training operations of local crews and technicians."

The representative remembers that Sweden and Australia also dominate the building technology of large submarines; and Germany also made concrete proposals to Brazil, which one was not answered. “Contrary to claims, Germany has no limitation to return to Brazilian nuclear submarine project. The international agreements which limited them became exhausted in the 60s, and the German government has not given objection to the project with the Brazilian Navy since,” said Delgado.

Reporting – Rejane Xavier
Edition – Regina Céli Assumpção
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Edgar Casadei