Israel’s ambassador asks for support for voting on agreements

01/04/2009 05h00

On Thursday afternoon (26), the Israeli ambassador in Brazil, Giora Becher, met with the President of the Chamber, Michel Temer. According to the coordinator of the Parliamentary Group Brazil-Israel, Deputy Dr. Talmir (PV-SP), the ambassador came to deal with bi-lateral agreements, whose votings are pending in Congress. The main interest of the ambassador, according to Talmir, is the Mercosul-Israel Free Trade Agreement (Message 813/08), which is being assessed by the Brazilian representation in Mercosul.

In addition to that one, four additional agreements are waiting to be voted at the Chamber. Among them is the PCD 400/07, on the Mutual Administrative Assistance between Brazil and Israel for the Correct Enforcement of the Customs Legislation and Prevention, Investigation and Fight against Customs Offenses, which is ready for the Chamber’s agenda. That agreement was closed in Jerusalem in 2006.

Temer also received the courtesy visit o f the US ambassador in Brazil, Clifford Sobel. He informed that a delegation of 11 North-American congresspeople will come to Brazil during the Holly Week, and that they would appreciate to be received at the Chamber.

Report - Ana Raquel Macedo/ Rádio Câmara
Editing - Regina Céli Assumpção
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda