Four additional international agreements approved by CCJ

06/04/2009 05h45

On Tuesday (31), the Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship (CCJ) approved four additional international agreements, provided for in Legislative-Decree Bills (PDCs).

PDC 1106/08, from the Brazilian Committee at the Mercosul Parliament, approves the text of the Memorandum of Agreement between Brazil and Paraguay for the Cooperation in the Fight against the Production and Deal of Weapons, Ammunition, Accessories, Explosives and other related materials. The rapporteur on the committee, Deputy José Genoíno (PT-SP), voted favorably to the bill.

PDC 1144/08, from the Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense, approves the participation of Brazil in the 4th Recomposition of the Resources of the Fund for Global Environment, an international financial institution. The bill received a favorable review from Deputy Marcelo Ortiz (PV-SP).

Another PDC (1350/08) from the Committee on Foreign Relations approved the text of the agreement between Brazil and Suriname on Cooperation in Defense Matters. The bill received a favorable review from its rapporteur, Deputy Colbert Martins (PMDB-BA).

Finally, PDC 1353/08, also from the Committee on Foreign Relations, approved the text on the Agreement between Brazil and the United States for Educational and International-Interchange Programs. Its rapporteur, Deputy Eduardo Cunha (PMDB-RJ), was favorable to the bill.

Report - Vânia Alves
Editing - Newton Araújo
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda