Former minister criticizes Brazilian space program

20/04/2009 14h30

Alcântara Cyclone Space was built in 2006 by Brazil and Ukraine

In a meeting of the Council of High Studies and Technological Evaluation, on Wednesday (15), the general director of the bi-national company Alcântara Cyclone Space (ACS) and former Minister of Science and Technology affirmed that the Brazilian space program is going through a crisis. He pointed as its main hindrances the lack of political coordination and of financial resources. “The incompetence in administration of the Brazilian space program and the lack of a financial-resource policy are its main problems”, he affirmed.

Roberto Amaral is the chair of Alcântara Cyclone Space, established in 2006 by Brazil and Ukraine, to trade and operate services regarding the launching of vehicles and satellites at Alcantara launch base.

Amaral informed that that project integrates the Brazilian space program, which, according to him, is stagnated and has been surpassed by countries with a poorer infrastructure and smaller political stability, such as Iran and North Korea. “We started making our program in 1961, and, in 2009, we still do not have our launching rocket”, he criticized.

The general-director of ACS also criticized the organizational structure of the space program, and challenged the role of the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB), created in 1994 to coordinate that program. “AEB is a resources’ deliver, but does not have the effective command of the activities, of the Airspace Technology Center, nor of the National Institute on Space Researches”, said the director. “That agency was not created for true. It is rather an agreement, an international satisfaction on the fact that our initiative was civilian, and led by civilians”, he ensured.

Support by the Congress
Amaral asked for the National Congress’ support, and affirmed that the parliament had been having an important role on the defense of the Brazilian Space Program, seeking to raise resources for it and to solve the problems of that sector. He reminded that the CPI of Technological Delay pointed out deficiencies in airspace politics, such as the delay in the VLS Program; the discontinuity of the space program; the evasion of personnel, and the instability of space politics.

The director of the company Alcântara Cyclone Space affirmed that the space program is crucial to grant autonomy to Brazil in the satellites’ industry. “If we do not have our satellites, we will have to rent the ones belonging to others’” he affirmed.

Council will be able to negotiate resources for space program
The President of the Council of High Studies and Technological Evaluation, Deputy Inocêncio Oliveira (PR-PE), said that the information given by the director of the bi-national company Alcântara Cyclone Space (ACS), Roberto Amaral, will direct the actuation of National Congress for the solution of problems in the Brazilian Space Program.

"The Council is examining the subject to give their contribution to it. On the next 29th, we will hear the president of the Brazilian Space Agency, Carlos Ganem. We can immediately make an amendment to the Union’s Budget or request a hearing with the President of the Republic, calling for the granting of resources for that important program, which is essential for the strategic project of social-economic and technological development in our country”, informed Inocêncio.

From the newsroom/PCS
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda