Committee changes rules on preventive detention in case of extradition

24/04/2009 13h35

The Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense approved on Wednesday (22), the bill allowing the Attorney General of the Republic and the General Director of the Federal Police (PF) to request preventive detention, in urgent cases, of people against whom extradition lawsuits are filed. The approved text was a substitution bill to the Bills 3772/08, by the Parliamentary Inquiry Committee of the Senate on Pedophilia, and 2715/07, by Deputy João Campos (PSDB-GO).

Those bills amend the Foreigner’s Act (Law 6.815/80), which allows preventive detention solely at the request of a diplomatic or consular agent of the requesting country.

PL 3772/08 determines that the preventive detention is decreed by a request of the Attorney General Office or by a petition by the Federal Police, but its rapporteur, Deputy George Hilton (PP-MG), limited that possibility to the Attorney General of the Republic and to the General Director of the Federal Police.

Those bills, which are being processed in priority regime, now follow for their review by the Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship, and will be voted by the House Floor thereafter.

Report - Marcello Larcher
Editing - Marcos Rossi
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda