Committee approves criteria for Amazonian bio-cosmetics

01/04/2009 05h10

The Committee on Social Security and Family approved on Wednesday (25) the Bill 2906/08, from Deputy Vanessa Grazziotin (PCdoB-AM), which establishes technical criteria for the permission of the commercial use of the term “Amazonian bio-cosmetics”.

According to the bill, only personal-hygiene and perfumery products actually elaborated with raw materials from the Amazon, which give them the effective “Amazonian market appeal” will be allowed to use that commercial name.

In her favorable opinion to the approval, its rapporteur, Deputy Angela Portela (PT-RR), affirms that the bill has the great virtue to reduce sanitation risks resulting from the use of Amazonian bio-cosmetics, thus protecting the consumer’s health, in addition to its main objective, which is to fight against misleading advertising.

Products from the region
Its author, Grazziotin, adverts that many products currently use the brand “Amazon”, but do not contain products from that region. According to the bill, only those whose formula has at least 10% of raw materials coming from that region will be allowed to register their brand name.

Moreover, at least 25% of the production costs should be linked to the acquisition of Amazonian raw materials, or products and packages produced with them. Values added in other regions of Brazil will not be considered.

The bill has also been approved by the Committee on the Amazon, National Integration and Regional Development, in conclusive character, and now follows to the Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship.

Report - Luiz Claudio Pinheiro
Editing - Newton Araújo
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda