Committee approves assistance to reconstruction of Gaza

27/04/2009 06h05

On Wednesday (22), the Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense approved the Bill 4760/09, proposed by the Executive power, which provides for the donation of up to R$25,000,000 (around US$11,500,000) to the National Palestine Authority (ANP) as a contribution to reconstruct Gaza, which was bombed during 22 continuous days by the Military of Israel in the beginning of this year.

Its rapporteur, Deputy Nilson Mourão (PT-AC), affirms in his review for the bill’s approval, that it is coherent with the pacifist tradition of Brazil, and is supported by resolutions of the United Nations (UN).

The statement of justification of the Ministry of Foreign Relations informs that, according to the UN, US$613,000,000 are necessary, only to solve the most urgent problems of the inhabitants of Gaza – food, health, civil construction and basic infrastructure. Around 20% of the houses and buildings of Gaza were destructed and 900,000 Palestinians currently depend on the food distributed by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).

Palestinian State
Mourão signals that Brazil “has not been saving efforts to improve the life conditions of the Palestinian people and to collaborate with the pacification of the region, in order to allow the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian State, which should be geographically cohesive and economically feasible”.

That deputy reminds that, still during the great tragedy which stroke Gaza in the beginning of 2009, Brazil donated 14 tons of food and medicines to the population of Gaza. “Now it is about complementing that effort with a new donation, which is modest, but significant, which can be partially transformed in the supply of food and medicines produced in Brazil and in projects on technical cooperation, coordinated by The Brazilian Cooperation Agency.”

That bill is being processed in priority regime and in conclusive character. It will now be analyzed by the Committees on Finances and Taxation, and on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship.


Report - Luiz Claudio Pinheiro
Editing - Regina Céli Assumpção
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda