Chamber approves Medal Sérgio Vieira de Mello

15/04/2009 13h30

The Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship approved on Thursday (2) the Bill 1826/03, proposed by the licensed deputy Alberto Fraga (DEM-DF), which institutes the Sérgio Vieira de Mello Medal . That award should be offered by Itamaraty to people providing services considered as relevant to Brazil in the foreign relations' and international human rights' fields. Since it was deemed conclusive character, the bill follows to the Senate.

Sérgio Vieira de Mello (March 15, 1948 – August 19, 2003) was a Brazilian United Nations diplomat who worked for the UN for more than 34 years, earning respect and praise around the world for his efforts in the humanitarian and political programs of the UN. He was killed in the Canal Hotel Bombing in Iraq along with 21 other members of his staff on 19 August 2003 while working as the Secretary-General's Special Representative in Iraq.

CCJ analyzed that bill only regarding its admissibility aspects, or be it, if it is in agreement with the Constitution and with the general rules of Law.

Its rapporteur, Deputy José Genoíno (PT-SP), defended the approval of the bill, but presented an amendment excluding an article, which attributed to Executive Power the responsibility for the regulation of that law.

For that deputy, that excerpt is unconstitutional, since it attributes to Executive Power a responsibility which is “typically up to it, according to the Constitution’s system”. Regarding the merit of the bill, Genoíno declared in his report that it is a valid initiative, since the “promotion of peace among nations and of human rights is included in the attributions of the Union”.

Report - Rodrigo Bittar
Editing - Wilson Silveira
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda