CCJ approves agreement with US for waving of visa fees

15/04/2009 13h15

The Committee on Constitution and Justice and Citizenship approved on Tuesday (31) an agreement between Brazil and the United States on educational and cultural interchange programs. The text, presented as the Legislative-Decree Bill 1353/08, by the Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense, was forwarded to the House Floor for their analysis.

According to that agreement, both countries agree to waive the collection of fees for the concession of visas from people inscribed in those programs and from their dependants. That benefit will prevail from 30 days after the enactment of the agreement.

The rapporteur on that bill, Deputy Eduardo Cunha (PMDB-RJ), defended its approval and considered, in his report, that it will encourage “all kinds of scholar mobility in the field of Higher Education, in addition to the financing of other programs and educational and cultural activities related to the mobility of students, professors and researchers, and information exchange between the two countries on systems and practices in Higher Education”.

Report - Rodrigo Bittar
Editing - Wilson Silveira
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda