CCJ approves agreement on technical cooperation between Brazil and Zambia

20/04/2009 14h00

Agreement is the first between Brazil and Zambia

The Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship (CCJ) approved the Bill on a Legislative Decree 23/07, which ratifies the technical-cooperation agreement with Zambia. According to the text, the two governments can work together in bilateral cooperation projects, and support companies wanting to access their markets.

The rapporteur on that bill, Deputy Arnaldo Faria de Sá (PTB-SP), considered that all legal requirements were fulfilled, and recommended the ratification of the text.

That is the first agreement between Brazil and Zambia, a country of East Africa which is located in the inland of the continent, between Angola and Mozambique. The signature of that document is part of the effort of Brazilian diplomacy to increase its presence in Africa.

That document was signed in Brasília, in 2006, and approved by CCJ on the last March 24th.

The bill will be forwarded to the House Floor, for its voting. The bill was originated by Message 949/06, from the Executive Power, which has already been approved by the Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense.

Report - Marcello Larcher
Editing - Pierre Triboli
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda