CCJ admits that residents from Mercosul become eligible in Brazil

15/04/2009 13h35

The Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship approved on Tuesday (7), the Bill on a Constitutional Amendment (PEC) 38/07, proposed by Deputy Fernando Gabeira (PV-RJ), which extends to foreigners from member-countries of Mercosul the same rights of born Brazilian citizens, such as voting, applying for elections and assuming positions as civil servants. Only permanent residents in Brazil are entitled to the benefits of that measure, and provided that there is reciprocity from their countries regarding Brazilians, in identical conditions.

That PEC exempts the positions of President and Vice-President of the Republic; of Presidents of the Chamber and of the Senate; Minister of the Supreme Court; diplomatic career; Officials of the Military; and Minister of State and of Defense, since only born Brazilians are entitled to all of them.

That PEC also ensures to foreigners from Mercosul the same rights that are currently provided for to Portuguese permanent residents in Brazil, provided that there is reciprocity from Portugal regarding Brazilians.

The rapporteur on that PEC, Deputy Magela (PT-DF), considered that bill as adequate and recommended its admission.

The Chamber will create a special committee to analyze that bill. If it is approved in that instance, the PEC will follow for a two-turn voting by the House Floor.

Report - Marcello Larcher
Editing - Pierre Triboli
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda