Mercosul Parliament will define the debates about representation

04/11/2008 23h00

Parlasul: Debates try to overcome the impasse about proportionality

The Comission for Budgeting and Internal Matters of Mercosul Parliament decided to elaborate a debate calendar about the adoption of the proportionality criteria for the election of the potential representatives of the bloc. This decision was taken during the meeting, as a way to overcome the impasse regarding the subject, especially among representatives of Brazil and Paraguay.

The current president of Mercosul Parliament, Representative Dr. Rosinha (PT-PR), presented a proposal in which Brazil would have 75 representatives, while Argentina would be represented by 33 and Paraguay and Uruguay would keep their current 18. In addition to that, Venezuela – provided that its full adhesion to the block is confirmed – would have 27 representatives. The four Member States - Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay e Uruguay - currently have 18 representatives.

Same old position
The Paraguayan representatives refused to discuss the subject, as they had already done in the Governing Board meeting. The Brazilian Representative Claudio Diaz (PSDB-RS) replied that the lack of a decision regarding the subject would put the very existence of the Mercosul Parliament at risk, since the second stage of the implementation of the new legislative entity –the direct elections for representatives – requires the definition of the representation criteria. "Either we establish representation criteria or we are done with the Mercosul Parliament” said Diaz.

So far, Brazil and Argentina have adopted favorable positions regarding the establishment of a variable number of representatives, according to the country and to its population. Dr. Rosinha informed that Uruguay is already analyzing this subject.

Homage to Max Rosenmann
The meeting of the Brazilian Representation in Mercosul Parliament in Montevideo was opened with one minute of silence, with the purpose of paying homage to the late representative Max Rosenmann, who passed away on October 25th. This tribute was suggested by Senator Aloizio Mercadante (PT-SP), who reminded the great dedication of the representative from Pará Paraná in the construction process of the new parliament.

From the newsroom/ with news from Agência Senado