Deputies launch Parliamentary Front for National Defense

05/11/2008 23h00

Deputies from several parties launched, on Wednesday, November 5th, the Parliamentary Front for National Defense. The group will initially be formed by 227 congresspeople and will be led by Deputy Raul Jungmann (PPS-PE), who was the author of the proposal for its foundation. The Front’s main purpose is to develop an adequate Defense System for Brazil, focusing on the preservation of national sovereignty and of the Democratic Law State.

The Front emphasizes the need to strengthen the links between international and defense policies. In addition to handling the inclusion of Human Rights in the agenda of Foreign Relations, the group intends to prioritize the hemispheric context, focusing on the South-American Defense Council and on the articulation with similar fronts in other countries – especially in South America.

In the domestic field, in addition to discussing changes in safety structures and in defense policies, the group of congresspeople forming the Front will foster interchange, cooperation, reciprocal information exchange among the Parliament, the Defense and the Military.

Among other planned actions, they intend to publish a yearly register about the Defense legislation bills being run in Congress, and to request that the Executive send the National Congress a bill for the development of a White Book for National Defense, as a tool to communicate to the country and to the international community all threats, strategies, perspectives and resources regarding our Defense, and regarding the structure, organization and management of our Military.
In order to publish the work’s results, the Parliamentary Front for National Defense intends to create a website and a debate magazine.

Edition: Rejane Xavier