Committee for Human Rights approves establishment of indigenous council

06/11/2008 23h00

The government will hold half of the votes; the not-for-profit organizations and the representatives of indigenous people and organizations, the other half.

The Committee for Human Rights and Minorities approved, on Wednesday, November 5, the Bill 3571/08, proposed by the Executive Power, which establishes the National Council for Indigenous Politics (CNPI), a deliberative body which should define priorities for the Brazilian indigenous politics, among other attributions.

Its rapporteur, Deputy Iriny Lopes (PT-ES), argued in favor of its approval, for considering that it complements rights to the indigenous people guaranteed by the Constitution and by the new Civil Code (Law 10.406/02).

The deputy emphasized the fact that the Project previews the participation of the indigenous community in the composition of CNPI. “The great merit of the council is that it establishes an official communication channel for the indigenous people, where they can present their claims and take part in the development of the indigenous politics of the Brazilian State” she assessed.

According to the Project, CNPI will count 59 members, with a four-year mandate, and distributed as following:
- The President of National Indian Foundation (Funai), who will be the council’s chair;
- 20 representatives of Federal Executive Power, with voting rights;
- 36 representatives of indigenous people and organizations, from which 18 with voting rights; and
- 2 representatives of not-for-profit indigenous bodies, with voting rights.

Thus, the government will hold half of the votes, and the Indians and bodies, the other half. The president of CNPI will vote only in case of ties.

The Project, which was deemed conclusive power, will still be analyzed by the Committees for Labor, Administration and Public Service; Finance and Taxation; and for Constitution, Justice and Citizenship.

Report - Rodrigo Bittar
Edition - Natalia Doederlein