Committee approves safety rule for electric and electronic devices

29/10/2008 23h00

Electronic devices sold in Brazil should be prepared for connection in grounded electric networks

On Wednesday, October 29, the Committee for Economic Development, Industry and Commerce approved Bill number 1815/07, proposed by Deputy Júlio Delgado (PSB-MG), which determines that Class 1 electric and electronic devices sold in Brazil should be prepared for the connection in grounded electric networks. The ones produced in Brazil for export must comply with the technical rules and guidelines of the target countries.

Among Class 1 electric equipment are microwaves, refrigerators, air conditioners, washers and irons. The electronic devices are desktop computers, stabilizers and Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS). The devices with metallic shells of this class have currently only a basic insulation against shock.

The Bill amends the Lei do Fio-Terra (Grounding Wiring Law) (Law number 11.337/06) and has the main purpose to protect the Brazilian consumer, who purchases these products.

The Project will be analyzed, in a conclusive character, by the Committee for Constitution and Justice and Citizenship.

Reportagem - Geórgia Moraes
Edição - Newton Araújo Jr.