Committee approves product-information standards

03/11/2008 23h00

The Committee for Economic Development, Industry and Commerce approved a substitutive bill to Bill 1416/07, introduced by Deputy Barbosa Neto (PDT-PR). The bill enforces and defines information about products sold in Brazil, which must be released according to the International System of Units (IS). Brazil formally adopted the SI, which deals with base unities such as meters, kilograms and seconds, in 1953.

Deputy Barbosa Neto's bill establishes that television or computer monitors´ screen height and width must be informed, in addition to the diagonal size of the device. The author points out that currently only the diagonal size is informed, and, even so, in inches, a length unit used by the British Imperial metric system.
The rapporteur, Deputy Edson Ezequiel (PMDB-RJ), prolonged the deadline for the enforcement of the new law, upon its approval, from 30 to 90 days from its publication date.

The Project is processed in a conclusive character and will be assessed by the Committee on Consumer’s Defense, and by the Committee on Constitution, Justice and Citizenship.

Report - Noéli Nobre
Edition - Regina Céli Assumpção