Chamber discusses challenges of 2014 Soccer World Cup in Brazil

26/11/2008 23h00


During the 10th Brazilian Congress on Touristic Activity (Cbratur), held at the Chamber of Deputies on Tuesday (11/25), with the purpose to discuss the challenges of the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, the Minister of Tourism, Luiz Barretto, announced that his ministry has already invested R$ 164 million in the 18 Brazilian cities that are candidates to siege the event. According to him, part of these resources will be invested in the qualification of professionals working in the tourism sector.


 The Féderation Internationale de Football Association (Fifa) should choose, in March 2009, only 10 or 12 siege-cities for the Cup. Nevertheless, 18 cities will receive resources for investments in 65 tourism routes of international standard. According to the ministry´s estimates, 500 thousand tourists are expected to come to Brazil during the World Cup.

 Among the expected benefits of the Cup to Brazil, the ministry has mentioned the advertising of Brazil abroad, the increase of the touristic flow and of the currency rate, and the generation of direct and indirect jobs. The greatest challenge, though, according to him, is to develop sufficient infrastructure in Brazil so that host the event can successfully be hosted.

Tourist visa


According to Deputy Otávio Leite (PSDB-RJ), Brazil can afford to bring 800 thousand tourists to the Cup. Therefore, he observed, the entry of tourists in Brazil should be easier. He defends the waver of the requirement of visas for American tourists, or that their issuance should be easier, at their arrival in Brazil. The congressman highlighted that 65 million Americans travel every year, but that only 1% chooses Brazil. "It is possible to implement a mechanism that attracts American tourists to Brazil", he observed.

 Senator Lúcia Vânia (PSDB-GO), who is the president of the Committee for Regional Development and Tourism of the Senate, said that she had gathered information about all legislative bills that will help the hosting of the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, in order for the Congress to give priority to them. Among these bills are the one that provides for the entry visas in Brazil, in addition to others that may offer better safety conditions to tourists. 

Production chain


Hotels, the Confederation of Tourism Workers, transportation companies, among others that form the production chain of that industry, have presented their claims at the end of the congress. They demanded investments in professional qualification, especially in English and Spanish teaching; the opening of currency-exchange posts in commercial locations; the funding for thematic parks; the creation of touristic-bus terminals in ports and airports, with trained personnel to receive tourists; railroad connections Rio/São Paulo for high-speed trains, and other claims.

 Cbratur was promoted by the Committee for Tourism and Sports of the Chamber, together with the Committee for Regional Development and Tourism of the Senate, the Parliamentary Fronts of Tourism and Sports, the National Confederation of Commerce (CNC), the Social Service of Commerce (Sesc), the National Service of Commercial Training (Senac). Cbratur had also the support of the Sports and Tourism Ministries. Congresspeople, undertakers, public managers and professionals from the tourism industry took part in the event.

Report - Oscar Telles

Editing - Regina Céli Assumpção/Rejane Xavier