Brazil claims marine platform of 960 thousand km2

06/11/2008 23h00

Among 19 projects of cash injection to the Union Budget approved by the Congress on Wednesday, November 5, in a total of R$ 6 billion to several ministries, R$ 167 million were awarded to the Ministry of Defense, by the Bill 47/08. The funds are directed to the continuity of the Navy’s actions of the Plan for the Fact-Finding on the Continental Brazilian Platform (Leplac.)

Sovereignty and exploitation of resources
These fact-findings have the purpose to establish the external limit of the continental platform of Brazil, in which Brazil will be able to exert its sovereignty power in the exploitation of natural resources in the marine bed and underground.

The bill´s rapporteur, Deputy Rodrigo Rollemberg (PSB-DF), explained that the study started in 1999 and that it has the purpose to prove to the United Nations (UN) Brazil´s sovereignty on a total area of 960 thousand Km².

This is a strategic bill for Brazil´s interests, since oil-exploitation basins in the pre-salt area are inside this area. “The committee for limits of the UN has already recognized Brazilian rights on 750 thousand Km², but Brazil has been working to obtain the recognition of a total of 960 thousand Km²", explained Rollemberg.

PLN 47/08 will still undergo presidential sanction.

Report - Eduardo Piovesan
Editing - João Pitella Junior/Rejane Xavier