Quota for women that are heads of household in housing funds

15/12/2008 05h00

Sandra Rosado: Project does not harm the constitutional principle of equality

The Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship (CCJ) approved on Thursday (4), the Bill 2488/00, proposed by Deputy Pompeo de Mattos (PDT-RS), which reserves 20% of federal expenditures with housing to women who are heads of household. The bill was deemed conclusive power and follows to the Senate.

The criteria for the distribution of resources among women matching the project’s definition will be established by a Decree from Executive Power. One of the possibilities is to reserve 20% of the funds for women from each income class.

Equality principle
The proposal’s rapporteur, Sandra Rosado (PSB-RN), affirmed that the Project does not contradict the constitutional principle of equality.

“It rather emphasizes it, since its objective is to reduce the inequality in the treatment that currently exist between men and women, since the later have a smaller participation in housing programs for the acquisition of their own home”, she said.

Rejected alternative
Another bill (Bill 2073/99) was conclusively rejected by the committees on Social Security and Family; and on Urban Development, which had analyzed the matter before. It reserved to women that are heads of household 20% of the unities constructed in housing programs, instead of budgeting resources.

Report- Edvaldo Fernandes
Editing - Newton Araújo Jr.
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda