National Congress shows solidarity to Palestinian people

09/12/2008 05h05


Edson Santos
Deputy Nilson Mourão (PT-AC) speaking at the solemn session


The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, observed on November 29th, was highlighted in a solemn session in Congress on Thursday (12/4). Deputy Nilson Mourão (PT-AC), one of the sponsors of the solemnity, called for the creation of a feasible Palestinian State, with clear and internationally-recognized borders and a continuous territory.

According to him, a country without defined borders renders impossible a good plan for the nation, be it economic or social. “We want peace, we want a Palestine that lives side by side with Israel, in cooperation and partnership”, he highlighted.

Nilson Mourão reminded that, in November 1947, the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) approved a resolution on the partition of Palestine. However, he highlighted, only the State of Israel was constructed. “Palestine should create its own State”, he said.

Independent State
Mourão also commented on the proposal of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which calls for an independent State inside the formerly existing borders, before the Israeli occupation in 1967. As a result, the countries from the Arab League would be determined to deal with Israel in a pacific and cooperative way.

According to the congressman, Israel is having trouble in making a decision because the peace proposal requires that they leave the Palestinian territory, dismantle Jewish colonies, and establish a fair definition regarding the refugee issue and the destiny of Jerusalem.

“There is no military solution. If it existed, it would have been already solved, anyway. The solution is dialogue and politics. That’s in what Brazil believes”, argued Nilson Mourão.

Sovereignty issue should be solved
For the Senator Cristóvão Buarque, who was also the author of the requirement for the solemn session, the Palestinian issue is one of the heritages the 20th century handed down to us, and that we have to solve. “We cannot go on one more decade without achieving a solution for the Palestinian sovereignty”.

The Senator affirmed that each people leaves its mark in the History. According to him, it was in Palestinian territory that the great religions came to exist. “Their issues should be carefully dealt with, by all of us” he said.

According to the Senator’s opinion, one of the challenges for the 21st century is to define a territory for Palestine. “We offer our solidarity to the Palestinian cause; we want to participate in the process, so as to ensure that no people is expelled from its own land, against its will”, he concluded.

During the session, Deputy Luiz Carlos Hauly (PSDB-PR) and Deputy Jô Moraes(PcdoB-MG) also spoke up.

Report - Malena Rehbein/NAJ
Collaboration - Rayane Mello
Translation - Positive