Environment approves a new distribution of forest resources

03/12/2008 05h10

Proposal includes states and municipalities in the distribution of resources generated by concessions of forests

On Wednesday (11/26), the Committee for Environment and Sustainable Development approved the Bill 2457/07, proposed by Deputy Wandenkolk Gonçalves (PSDB-PA), which changes the distribution of resources generated by the forest concessions regulated by the Law of Management of Public Forests (11.284/06). The text includes states and municipalities as their beneficiaries.

Nowadays, the amount paid by the concessionaire is shared by the Brazilian Forest Service (70%) and Ibama (30%). The bill reduces the percentage going to the Forest Service to 30%. The difference (40%) will be shared by states and municipalities.

Financial compensation
The rapporteur, Deputy Antônio Carlos Mendes Thame (PSDB-SP), voted for the approval of the proposal. Mendes Thame argued that financial compensation is a tool for environment politics whose implementation deserves to be broadened, since it has been contributing for the efficacy of initiatives implemented by the public power in environmental politics in developed countries.

“We understand that the states and municipalities should be compensated, at least partially, for the loss of resources that would be potentially generated by other economic activities. This loss occurs when the areas are kept as forests, even under a Sustainable Forestry Development Plan”, said the rapporteur.

The Amazon is against it
The Committee for the Amazon, National Integration and for Regional Development had rejected the same bill in June 2008, acknowledging the report of its rapporteur, Deputy Perpétua Almeida (PCdoB-AC), who considered that “the approval of the text would weaken the bodies for public forest management”.

The Bill – already rejected by the Committee for the Amazon, National Integration and for Regional Development – will still be analyzed by the Committees for Finances and Taxation; and for Constitution and Justice and Citizenship, and should be voted at the House Floor.

Report - Oscar Telles
Editing - Newton Araújo Jr
Translation: Positive