Committee suggests changes in agreement on Cuban diplomas

19/12/2008 05h00

According to Rafael Guerra, the recognition of Cuban diplomas is unwise duet to the differences between courses.

The Committee on Social Security and Family will send to the Ministries of Foreign Relations and Health an indication for the review of the international treaty signed by Brazil and Cuba in 2006, which allows the recognition, by Brazil, of Medicine Diplomas issued in Cuban universities.

The bill (Legislative Resolution Bill – PDC 346/07), which is awaiting the National Congress’ authorization to be ratified by Brazil, was rejected by the Committee on Social Security at the beginning of December, and had already been rejected by the Committee on Education and Culture in November 2008. At the Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship, the review for the constitutionality of the bill was approved. The final word regarding the merit of the proposal will be from the House Floor.

The indication came from a requirement by the Deputy Rafael Guerra (PSDB-MG). That congressman, who is the project’s rapporteur and is also responsible for authorizing the ratification of the treaty at the Committee of Social Security, has already pointed out changes to be made. Those changes were incorporated to the indication of the Social Security Council:

- The medicine diplomas issued in Cuba will only be recognized if there is equivalence in the curriculum and in class workload.
- The rules for the validation of Cuban diplomas should be extended to other countries;
- The advantages given to Brazilians who graduated in Cuba should be given by Cuba to those who graduated in Brazil;
- Brazilian experience in health policies and in the qualifying of human resources for the industry should be valued.

The indication is awaiting instructions by the Chamber’s president.

Report - Edvaldo Fernandes
Editing - Maristela Sant'Ana