Committee rejects new responsibility for tourism agencies

22/12/2008 05h05

Otávio Leite: agencies cannot be liable for services provided by third parties

On Wednesday (10), the Committee on Tourism and Sports analyzed again the 12 amendments from the Senate to the bill which regulates the activities of tourism agencies (PL 5120/01), and rejected the device which obliged those agencies to be liable for problems in services provided by third parties.

“The agencies do not provide transportation, hosting, food, leisure, and car-rental services. They only get paid for intermediating the contracting of those services, which are regulated by their own legislation”, said the rapporteur on the bill, Deputy Otávio Leite (PSDB-RJ).

The amendments had already been voted at that committee on September 8th, 2008, but because of a wording mistake in the approved text by the Senate, the deputies had to review them. From 12 amendments, the committee approved 11 and rejected only the one that made tourism agencies liable for problems in services provided by third parties.

Among the approved amendments there is one permitting the direct online trade of services provided by transportation companies, by hosting media and by the other companies providing tourism services.

The bill, proposed by Deputy Alex Canziani (PTB-PR), was approved by the Chamber in 2003 and returned after being changed at the Senate. It will now follow to the Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship, and then to the House Floor.

Report - Sílvia Mugnatto
Editing- Pierre Triboli
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda