Chamber rejects distribution of income from park entry fees

07/12/2008 05h00

The bill will be filed, because the committee assessed it as inadequate from budgeting standpoint, and their report has concluding power

On Wednesday (11/26), the Committee on Finances and Taxation rejected the Bill 1114/03, which destines 15% of the resources obtained with entry fees in national parks to the federate bodies – states, municipalities and the Federal District – where they are located.

The rapporteur at the committee, Deputy Marcelo Almeida (PMDB-PR), defended the rejection of the bill and of the substitution bill by the committees on Consumer Protection, Environment and Minorities. The bill increases from 15% to 30% the percentage to be distributed to states and municipalities (15% for each). “The distribution of part of this income to the states, to Federal District and to municipalities would necessarily cause a decrease in the Union’s income”, affirmed Almeida in his report.

The deputy highlighted that the income resulting from the collection of entry fees in national parks integrate the Union’s Budget as Income from “Recreation and Cultural Services”; a collection of approximately R$13,800,000 is forecast for this year.

Resources application
The current legislation determines the following distribution of resources from entry fees in national parks:

- from 25% to 50% should be applied in the implementation, maintenance and expenses of the same unity where they are collected;
- from 25% to 50%, in the agrarian regularization of the conservation unities of the so-called Integral Protection Group (formed by ecosystems which haven’t undergone changes caused by human, and which admit only the indirect use of their natural resources); and
- from 15% to 50%, in the implementation, maintenance and management of other conservation unities of the Integral Protection Group.

Report - Rodrigo Bittar
Editing- Maristela Sant'Ana
Translation: Positive