Chamber makes publication of data on air accidents obligatory

26/12/2008 05h05

The Committee on Constitution and Justice and Citizenship (CCJ) of the Chamber of Deputies approved, on Wednesday (17), the Bill of Law number 3628/97, by Deputy Vic Pires Franco (DEM-PA), which obliges air transportation companies that operate in Brazil to publish official notes with the results of the conclusions of the expert analysis on accidents in which there are casualties. The expert report, although temporary, is to be published within 90 days from the date of the accident.

In case the company does not publish the information, it will be subjected to a fine. The Bill changes the Brazilian Code of Aeronautics (Law number 7565/86). The Bill will be analyzed by the Senate now.

The rapporteur of the matter in the CCJ was Deputy Mendes Ribeiro Filho (PMDB-RS).

Periodic publication
The text also establishes that until the final report is published, the companies should publish official notes every 30 days with the progress of the investigations. The objective is to keep the families of the victims continuously informed on the results of the expert report.

Nowadays, the investigation on air accidents in the Country is under the responsibility of the Center of Investigation and Prevention of Air Accidents (Cenipa - Centro de Investigação e Prevenção de Acidentes Aeronáuticos). For each accident an investigation committee is created, whose period for the presentation of the final report will depend on the complexity of the work. Cenipa is subordinated the General Staff of the Ministry of Aeronautics (Emaer).

In 2006 and 2007, the number of victims in Brazil reached 215 and 270, respectively. In those two years two of the biggest air accidents in the history of the country occurred: the fall of the airplane of the Gol airline company in September of 2006, which resulted in the death of 154 people, and the explosion of the TAM airline airplane, in July of 2007, which caused 199 deaths (among passengers and people on the ground).

Report - Janary Júnior
Editing - Paulo Cesar Santos
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda