Chamber installs committee on reduction of workday

22/12/2008 05h35

On Tuesday (16), the Chamber installed the special committee to analyze the reduction in the maximum weekly work load from 44 to 40 hours (PEC 231/95).

The president of the committee, Deputy Luiz Carlos Busato (PTB-RS), affirmed that the works, which start on February 10, 2009, will be based on public hearings aiming at listening to representatives of workers and undertakers.

The rapporteur of the PEC, Deputy Vicentinho (PT-SP), highlighted that the proposal, if it is approved, will allow workers more time to be with their families and to study.

Employment generation
The deputy cited data from the Inter-Union Department of Statistics and Social-Economic Studies (Dieese), according to which, with the maintenance of the current production level and structure, 2 million new employments will be generated.

Vicentinho said that there will be no drop in productivity with the decrease of the hour load. He emphasized that the corporations increase their production because they apply technology and not because of the work day. “There is a great difference for the worker, who will have more time to stay home or to study. But it is beneficial to the company, because satisfied workers produce more.”

The committee has a term of 40 house sessions to present a final report, which later will be forwarded to be voted by the House of the Chamber in two readings.

Forty hours
Vicentinho is also the rapporteur at the Committee on Labor, Administration and Civil Service of the Bill 4653/94, from the former Deputy and current Senator Paulo Paim (PT-RS), which includes several categories into the work day of 40 weekly hours.

It is being processed in conclusive character and reunites 43 attached bills on the reduction of work day.

Report - Karla Alessandra/ Rádio Câmara
Editing - Regina Céli Assumpção
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda