CCJ approves labor agreement between Brazil and Nicaragua

15/12/2008 05h00

Old claim from diplomatic personnel

The Committee on Constitution and Justice and Citizenship (CCJ) approved on 12/2 the proposal for the Legislative Resolution 1051/08, made by the Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense, which approves the agreement between Brazil and Nicaragua, allowing relatives accompanying diplomatic and consulate representatives to work in their hosting countries. The agreement was signed in Managua, on August 8, 2007.

The agreement establishes as dependants the spouses and permanent partners, single children younger than 21, single children younger than 21 that are studying full time, and single children suffering from physical or mental disabilities.

Still according to the text, the dependant who exerts gainful activities will be subject to the prevailing legislation of the State in which he/she lives, including regarding professional qualification, since the agreement does not imply in the recognition of titles enabling someone to exert a profession. Moreover, National Congress should previously approve any act that may amend the agreement, resulting in heavy charges or commitments to national assets.

Old claim
According to the rapporteur of CCJ, Deputy José Genoíno (PT-SP), the proposal is important, because it fulfills an old claim by Brazilian diplomacy members. “The project matches the current trend for family members to acquire independency, autonomy and active participation in income” he highlighted.

According to the rapporteur’s opinion, the measure also indirectly contributes to the professional satisfaction of diplomatic and consulate personnel. “Work often sacrifices family happiness, since it prevents dependants to construct a professional career”, he argued.

The proposal was deemed emergency character and will be analyzed by the Committee on Labor, Administration and Civil Service, before going to the House Floor.

Report - Malena Rehbein/MR
Collaboration - Rayane Mello
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda