CCJ approves labor agreement between Brazil and Germany

07/12/2008 05h00

Dependents of diplomatic personnel will be allowed to work in the other country

On Tuesday (11/25), the Committee on the Constitution, Justice and Citizenship approved the proposal for the Legislative Resolution 984/08, by the Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense, which approves the agreement between Brazil and Germany. According to it, dependents of diplomatic personnel of both countries are allowed to take employment in the other country.

The proposal’s rapporteur, Deputy José Genoíno (PT-SP), affirms that the agreement fulfils an ancient claim of the diplomatic personnel working abroad. “This claim is legitimate and matches the modern-life trend, in which family members seek to acquire independence and autonomy and to actively participate in the familiar income”, he highlighted.

According to the agreement, all dependents of diplomatic personnel will have the right to take employment in the other country. In Germany, people benefited by the text will be exempt from the requirement of a residency title, even at the beginning of their professional activity.

The occasionally necessary authorizations will be granted in Brazil. The agreement excludes employment in public institutions and in sectors affecting national safety.

For dependents entitled to civil and administrative immunity, this right will not be extended to employment. If the benefited person is entitled to penal immunity, though, this right will be extended to professional relations. In case of offense, though, the origin’s State of the defendant will study the possibility of renouncing to immunity.

The bill, which was deemed priority character, still needs to be voted by the House Floor.

Report: Maria Neves
Editing: Natalia Doederlein
Tradução: Positive