CCJ approves construction of bridge at the border between Brazil and Bolivia

07/12/2008 05h00

The Committee on the Constitution, Justice and Citizenship approved the agreement signed by the Brazilian and Bolivian governments for the construction of a bridge over the Igarape Rapirrã, between the municipalities of Plácido de Castro, in the state of Acre, and Montevideo, in Bolivia. The agreement is being processed as the Executive-Decree Bill 855/08, proposed by the Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense, and was approved by the CCJ on November 25th.

The municipality of Plácido de Castro receives a great amount of tourists from the capital of Acre, Rio Branco. They also visit Montevideo, a Bolivian free-trade zone.

The rapporteur of CCJ, Deputy Eduardo Cunha (PMDB-RJ), considered the bill as constitutional, and reminded, in his report, that it is the exclusive competence of the National Congress to decide about treaties, agreements or international acts that result in “charges or commitments that may cause expenses to the National Treasury.” The agreement was signed by the Brazilian and Bolivian governments in December 2007.

The bill is being processed in emergency character, and will be analyzed by the House. The project was originated by the Message 273/08, by the Executive Power.

Report - Rodrigo Bittar
Editing - Pierre Triboli
Translation: Positive