Agriculture rejects prohibition of incentives for alcohol production

07/12/2008 05h10

The measure was considered as unnecessary, according to the data of a recent agricultural-environmental zoning promoted by Embrapa

On Wednesday (11/26), the Committee on Agriculture, Animal Industry, Supply and Rural Development rejected the Bill 2323/07, proposed by the Deputy Rose de Freitas (PMDB-ES), which forbids credit institutions to grant loans in favored conditions to the implementing and operation of sugar-cane agricultural industries, aiming at the production of ethyl alcohol in the Legal Amazon.

The proposal also prohibits the granting of tax incentives by the Superintendence of the Development of the Amazon (Sudam) or by any other government body.

Unnecessary proposal
The rapporteur, Deputy Celso Maldaner (PMDB-SC), considered the proposal as unnecessary, because of the recent agricultural-environmental zoning promoted by the Brazilian Company on Agriculture and Animal Industry Research (Embrapa), in partnership with other research bodies.

During this procedure, Embrapa identified areas that are inadequate for the culture of sugar-cane targeting the production of ethanol. The possibility of new projects was excluded in the Amazonian biome, and only three already licensed plants were maintained.

Dende coconut culture
“To compensate that prohibition, federal government plans to encourage the culture of dende coconut in up to 2 million hectares, in the states of Amazonas, Pará and Roraima. According to the conclusions of the zoning, there are in Brazil enough areas for the expansion of sugar-cane production without the need to cut even an only tree: 37,000,000 hectares can be used in the production of ethanol”, observed Maldaner.

The congressman also reminded that, in order to duplicate the current production of ethanol, which currently amounts to 20 billion liters per year, it is necessary to plant 7,000,000 hectares.

That bill had also been formerly rejected by the Committee on the Amazon, National Integration and Regional Development. The text will still be analyzed, in conclusive power, by the Committee on Finances and Taxation (including regarding its merit), and by the Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship.

Report - Noéli Nobre
Editing - Newton Araújo Jr.
Translation - Positive